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mail sorting room造句

"mail sorting room"是什麼意思  mail sorting roomの例文  


  • A large'L'- shaped extension was erected in 1951, for use as a mail sorting room.
  • The mail sorting room is in a building across the street from the retail counter where most customers buy stamps and mail packages.
  • However, Express Mail customers do enter the building that contains the mail sorting room, as do customers who pick up bulk mail for their companies, such as Blanco.
  • Passengers would move eastward from the great hall into the former mail sorting room, stepping down to a series of decks that support the main departure and arrival areas.
  • The former Postal Dock and Mail Sorting Rooms have undergone a metamorphosis that has been host to guests such as Anna Wintour and Bono, fashion shows for Theory, Phillip Lim and rag & bone, and a performance by Kanye West.
  • It's difficult to find mail sorting room in a sentence. 用mail sorting room造句挺難的
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