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manpower department造句

"manpower department"是什麼意思  manpower departmentの例文  


  • The manpower department of sdhs is conducting international manpower cooperation and has sent a large number of technical staff in the filed of machinery , electronics , computer , equipment and meters and various kinds of workers and trainees in aquatic products procession , garment procession , vegetable planting , offshore fishing anima husbandry , finance and accounting , food service , etc . to such countries and regions as singapore , japan , korea , the uae , tonga , hong kong , macao and germany
  • It's difficult to find manpower department in a sentence. 用manpower department造句挺難的
如何manpower department造句用manpower department造句manpower department in a sentence和manpower department的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。