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manpower development造句

"manpower development"是什麼意思  manpower developmentの例文  


  • Health manpower development programme
  • Manpower development committee , emb
  • After the ii world war , economical competition among countries all over the world inevitably leads to competition of manpower development , as a critical element to win
  • The finman committee was established in june , 2000 , by the government to foster better co - ordination of the efforts between the industry and academia on financial services manpower development
  • Mr ma praised the finman committee for holding fast to its mission of fostering a co - ordination of efforts between academia and the industry on financial services manpower development since its establishment in 2000
  • Lead into the manpower development of advance and economy of capital theoretical major explanation science and technology is away from do not open manpower capital , the important role of manpower capital is other any capitals place can not replace
  • " this arrangement provides a framework for co - operation in a wide range of ict areas covering broadband and wireless communications , multimedia , e - commerce , e - government , manpower development and measures to bridge the digital divide
    他說: 《合作安排》為多個資訊及通訊科技范疇提供合作框架,包括寬頻及無線通訊、多媒體、電子商貿、電子政府、人力發展,及消除數碼隔膜。
  • The establishment of the object of manpower development and the use of two sorts of material make it necessary to apply new teaching method , such as , combining action with static study , integrating liberty with restriction and relating teachers to children
  • Her major responsibilities in the emb as principal assistant secretary manpower infrastructure included the development and implementation of a qualifications framework and an associated quality assurance mechanism ; the development of project yi jin and yi jin secondary schools collaboration project ; and serving the manpower development committee
  • As indicated in the main text of this paper , the main challenges in china ' s enterprise human resources management include inadequate manpower development , more emphasis has been given on the use of personnel , rather than on the development of the personnel ; there is a phenomenon of brain drain in the state owned enterprises . the wages and remuneration system are yet to be rationalized . the assessment of personnel is not justifiable
  • It's difficult to see manpower development in a sentence. 用manpower development造句挺難的
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