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mazmur 103造句

mazmur 103の例文  
  • 103 ad    In 103 AD, Pliny recorded that Fannia had " contracted this illness ". Stricken by an incurable tumour after the age of 75, he starved himself to death around 103 AD, keeping a cheerful co......
  • 103 bc    Titus Didius first held office in 103 BC as a Tribune of the Plebs. He was the son born to Hasmonean ruler who governed Judea from 103 BC-76 BC. Justus was born and raised in Hasmonean rul......
  • 103 bce    Based on this, Bhagwan Lal concludes that Kharavela was born in 127 BCE, and became the king in 103 BCE. By this means he came into possession of the throne, but died one year later after ......
  • 103 ce    According to his coins, Jivadaman seems to have ruled two times, once between 100 and 103 CE, before the rule of Rudrasimha I, and once between 119 and 120 CE.
  • 103 colmore row    Also worthy of note is National Westminster House ( since renamed as 103 Colmore Row ) in Birmingham : the building was sold to British Land in 2007 and demolished in 2015.
  • 103 film    He also directed 103 films between 1911 and 1916. He appeared in 103 films between 1916 and 1967. He appeared in 103 films between 1914 and 1965. The society is composed of 103 film critic......
  • 103 jamz    It is owned by Carter Broadcast Group, owner of sister station and flagship KPRS ( " Hot 103 Jamz " ). Welcome to Generation Rap on KPRS-FM, " Hot 103 JAMZ, " a local radio talk show geare......
  • 103 mile lake    "' 103 Mile Lake "'is a small lake located near the town of 100 Mile House, British Columbia, Canada.
  • 103 mini steel breeze    ASAP also designed two welded steel tube-frame powered parachute models especially for the FAR 103 " Ultralight Vehicles " compliant Summit 103 Mini Steel Breeze.
  • 103 rescue unit    RCAF 10 Group, Halifax announced in mid-October 1947 that No . 103 Rescue Unit would move from RCAF Station Dartmouth ( now CFB Shearwater ) to Greenwood by the end of the month.
  • 103 search and rescue squadron    "' 103 Search and Rescue Squadron "'of the Royal Canadian Air Force is a search and rescue unit based at Eastern Quebec. Among its many roles, 9 Wing Gander is responsible for providing se......
  • 103 series    The trains are replacing ageing 103 series and 201 series trains. The first train released is the Japanese 103 series commuter train in different versions. The series was introduced in 199......
  • 103 sqn    103 Sqn usually despatched between six and ten aircraft for " Operation Dodge " several days each week, the aircraft and crews would stop overnight in Italy and return with their passenger......
  • 103 squadron    The aircraft joined 103 Squadron ( Israel ) at Ramat David Airbase. In 1987, 103 Squadron is transferred to Beja. Training completed, they were posted to fly with No . 103 Squadron RAF, El......
  • 103 ss    The Gift Shop, 103 S . Broad St . ant Yhteissisu sold only 103 S-22s in 1947, some of which had been produced the previous year . 55 lorries were built by the company in 1947. Lott opened ......
  • 103 the eye    "103 The Eye " broadcasts a variety of popular music from the 1950s to the present day, plus specialist discussion and music shows. Ewan Spence, Lisa-Jayne Lewis, Sharleen Wright and Ben R......
  • 103大樓    福州“103大樓”位于融僑錦江右側地塊,也就是福州正在打造的閩江北岸中央商務區。 不過,也有人表示,臺北的101曾經被曝長期處于虧損狀態,建成后的福州“103大樓”也將面臨經營的考驗。 在各大論壇上,福州市民對“103大樓”的建設也相當期待,認為該標志性建筑的建設,可提升福州作為海峽西岸經濟區第一中心城市的地位,有助于吸引更多國外大財團進駐福州。 “103大樓”將作為海峽西......
  • 103年    太初二年(公元前103年)開始征收。 病逝于漢武帝太初二年即公元前103年。 但各家的估計相差甚遠,由103年到108年。 崔?(約103年~約170)東漢后期政論家。 和帝永元十五年(103年)任洛陽縣令。 公元前103年(太初二年)43歲,為太史令。 1954年,它結束了長達103年的金礦城的歷史。 距今已有103年歷史,為法國人設計建造。 所建立的宋所取代,共享國10......
  • 103皮革網    103皮革網是一家專業推廣產品的網站,不同于其它皮革資訊網站,已加盟的皮革貿易及皮革工廠達2000多家。
  • 103信息網    103信息網-免費發布查詢個人生活信息網站! 103信息網是一個綜合性的信息網站,具有一定影響力。 103信息網不僅為個人用戶提供了資源豐富、信用度高、交互性強的分類信息平臺。 103信息網其服務覆蓋生活的各個領域,提供房屋租售、餐飲娛樂、招聘求職、二手買賣、汽車租售、寵物票務、旅游交友等多種生活信息,覆蓋中國所有大中城市。 103信息網-免費發布查詢打折,兼職,陪駕,健身......
  • 103工作室    103工作室亦是本著此種精神而存在于警院中的。 103工作室成立于2006年9月,作品包括幾十余部優秀影視作品,各種大型演出直播任務,以及數部電視臺和影視公司欄目包裝作品等。
  • 103號元素    在1961年4月美國出版的《物理評論》中登載出關于發現103號元素的最早報道。 根據這個理論,錒系最后一個元素為第103號元素,而第104號元素預計不屬于錒系而屬于第Ⅳ副族。 超鈾元素化學一直是吸引人們的研究對象,從镎到103號元素屬于5f的錒系元素,在周期表中放在4f的鑭系元素下面。 質子數的改變嚴格地遵從加法原則,如用硼(原子序數為5)轟擊锎(原子序數為98),得到10......
  • 103國道    、京津公路(103國道)、通香公路穿區而過。 103國道是連接北京和天津、塘沽的一條主干道。 與京滬、津薊和唐津高速公路以及103國道和104國道互相連接。 線路3:京津塘高速-楊村出口-103國道-安平路口-第一城。 從國貿出發,沿京通快速轉103國道武興路口,30公里直達京東CBD。 毗鄰103國道京津公路僅200米,距京津塘高速公路楊村出口僅500米。 該村交通便利,......
  • 1988 pan am 103    Gadhafi also has garnered international backing with his decision to accept responsibility for the 1988 Pan Am 103 bombing. A further strain occurred in the early 1990's with the discovery......
  • 1988 pan am 103 bombing    Gadhafi also has garnered international backing with his decision to accept responsibility for the 1988 Pan Am 103 bombing. A further strain occurred in the early 1990's with the discovery......

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