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medical expense deduction造句

"medical expense deduction"是什麼意思  medical expense deductionの例文  


  • Perhaps I should have it bronzed, because all too soon they grew from mere medical expense deductions to big child-care tax credits.
  • In addition to doctors'visits, hospital care and prescription drugs, these are the typical kinds of things you can treat as medical expense deductions.
  • Another adjustment may also be of interest to retirees and people planning for retirement : an increase for 2001 in the amounts of long-term care insurance premiums that may be included in any medical expense deduction.
  • Another new feature tells users whether they qualify for medical expense deductions, and a quick way to transfer data from the completed federal return to the state tax forms, which are part of a separate program called TurboTax State.
  • It's difficult to find medical expense deduction in a sentence. 用medical expense deduction造句挺難的
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