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medical explorers造句

medical explorersの例文  


  • Johnson was a Boy Scout and participated in the medical explorers Program.
  • Some employers pay off the student loans of doctors and nurses, offer accelerated degree programs or get young people interested in the profession through " medical explorer " programs.
  • Extracurricular activities available at Somerset High School include Academic Team, Quick Recall, Future Problem Solving, Yearbook, National Honor Society, Football, Baseball, Archery, Cheerleading, Cross-Country, Basketball, Marching Band, Swimming, Golf, Tennis, Track, Softball, Soccer, E-Team, ( Environmental, Energy, Education Team ), DECA, FBLA, Police and Medical Explorers, Student Technology Leadership Program, Culture Club, Drama, the Young Filmmaker's Guild and the Pep Club.
  • It's difficult to find medical explorers in a sentence. 用medical explorers造句挺難的
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