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metaquotes software造句

metaquotes softwareの例文  


  • Metaquotes Software has been granted ISV status by the stock exchange.
  • MetaQuotes Software, MetaTrader 4, Leverate, ZuluTrade, EToro.
  • It was developed by MetaQuotes Software and released in 2005.
  • "' MetaQuotes Software Corp . "'is a Cyprus Forex trading software software company.
  • In 2011 MetaQuotes Software Corp . entered into a partnership with International Business Times to deliver integrated trading platform and newswire service.
  • In late 2012 and early 2013, MetaQuotes Software began to work towards removing third-party plugins for its software from the market, suing and warning developers and brokers.
  • On June 1, 2010 MetaQuotes Software officially released "'MetaTrader 5 "'or "'MT5 "'the next version of its trading platform.
  • As MetaTrader 4 has been a popular trading platform but traders are waiting for the MetaTrader 5 platform to be release by MetaQuotes Software Corp . The MetaTrader 5 is also something that Fair Trading Technology has to incorporate into their business model.
  • Admiral Markets companies offer MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 4 Supreme Edition and MetaTrader 5, which were developed by a Russian software company, the MetaQuotes Software Corp . MetaTrader platforms are compatible with Windows and Mac OS and can be used on mobile devices.
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