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  • In 1922, William Draper Harkins proposed the name micri-erg as a convenient unit to measure the surface energy of molecules in surface chemistry.
  • The name micri-erg was proposed in 1922 by William Draper Harkins as a unit of energy equating to 10  " 14 erg, the equivalent to 10  " 21 joule.
  • "' Sportitalia 1 "', formerly "'Sportitalia "', is an Italian terrestrial and satellite television channel owned by Micri Communication, specialized in sports broadcasting 24 hours a day.
  • It's difficult to find micri in a sentence. 用micri造句挺難的
如何micri造句用micri造句micri in a sentence和micri的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。