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on the first attempt造句

"on the first attempt"是什麼意思  on the first attemptの例文  


  • A control is created . on the first attempt to access the
  • You see that only messages 1 and 3 were successful on the first attempt of the three messages sent
    圖1中,您看到在三個消息的首次發送中僅messages 1和3成功了。
  • The exception is generated randomly ; therefore , it may happen on the first attempt or it may require several attempts
  • It's difficult to find on the first attempt in a sentence. 用on the first attempt造句挺難的
如何on the first attempt造句用on the first attempt造句on the first attempt in a sentence和on the first attempt的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。