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organic tank造句

"organic tank"是什麼意思  organic tankの例文  


  • French infantry divisions normally had no organic tank component.
  • A / 1-13 AR consisted of 2 M1A1 tank platoons and 1 M2A2 Bradley platoon ( 1 organic tank platoon was detached and assigned to A / 1-41 IN at Camp Demi ).
  • As of 18 October the 21st Armored Division had no more than 40 tanks remaining of an original 136 tanks available at the start of the battle ( not counting 21 tanks received as reinforcements ), while the 16th Infantry Division had just 20 tanks remaining in its organic tank battalion.
  • Deployed with one of its organic tank companies equipped with M1A2 tanks A Company ACES; the remaining two line companies, Bulldog and Cobra Companies, were deployed as " dragoons " as they fought in a dismounted and motorized role and sustained significant casualties fighting inside the tight alleyways of Sadr City and New Baghdad.
  • Brigadier General Hafez, commanding the 16th Infantry Division, planned to contain the Israeli attack from the south by having the 18th Mechanized Brigade occupy defenses north of the Chinese Farm, directly behind the 16th Infantry Brigade, but without its organic tank battalion, which was designated as part of the division's reserve.
  • TF 1-41 received the Army's Superior Unit Award for its work in the former Yugoslavia . " Team Tank " which consisted of 2 M1A1 tank platoons and 1 M2 Bradley platoon ( 1 organic tank platoon was detached and assigned to A / 1-41 IN at Camp Demi ) returned to the 1st Battalion, 13th Armored Regiment in December, 1997 while B / 1-41 IN and C / 1-4 ADA was reassigned to their organic 1st Battalion, 41st Infantry Regiment at the same time.
  • It's difficult to find organic tank in a sentence. 用organic tank造句挺難的
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