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origin of species造句

"origin of species"是什麼意思  origin of speciesの例文  


  • Its title was the origin of species , written by charles darwin .
  • Darwin on the origin of species was published in 1859
  • Its title was the origin of species , written by charles darwin
    書的名字叫"物種起源" .作者是查理士.達爾文
  • Its title was the origin of species , written by charles darwin
    它的名字叫“物種起源” ,查理士達爾文著。
  • In1859 < origin of species > > was published and darwin was recognized as one of the most important thinkers in science
  • In1859 < < the origin of species > > was published and darwin was recognized as one of the most important thinkers in science
  • The author has taught " darwin ' s on the origin of species " as a general education course in tsing hua university from the viewpoint of history of science
  • Since arguments about god have run for thousands of years , it is a little peculiar to ascribe overwhelming importance to the publication of darwin ' s “ on the origin of species ” in 1859
  • For his part , darwin noted in on the origin of species that a bear swimming with its mouth agape to catch insects was a plausible evolutionary starting point for whales
  • British naturalist charles darwin publishes the origin of species , a book which argues that organisms gradually evolve through natural selection ( it immediately sold out its initial print run )
    1859年,英國自然學家查爾斯?達爾文的《物種起源》正式出版,此書討論生物體通過自然的選擇逐漸進化(第一版很快脫銷) 。
  • It's difficult to see origin of species in a sentence. 用origin of species造句挺難的
  • A century and a half after on the origin of species , biologists still debate the mechanisms and implications ( though not the reality ) of darwinism , while much of the public still flounders in pre - darwinian cluelessness
    在《物種起源》出版了一個半世紀后,生物學家還在爭論達爾文主義的機制與含意(而不是實際內容) ,而大多數人也還在為前達爾文時期的漫無頭緒而焦躁?徨。
  • When archaeopteryx , a feathered skeleton that was seemingly half dinosaur and half bird , turned up in 1862 ? three years after the publication of “ the origin of species ” ? the origin of birds became a subject of raging debate among palaeontologists
  • To daniel magrane and francis wade in 1882 during a juvenile friendship terminated by the premature emigration of the former he had advocated during nocturnal perambulations the political theory of colonial e . g . canadian expansion and the evolutionary theories of charles darwin , expounded in the descent of man and the origin of species
  • In considering the origin of species , it is quite conceivable that a naturalist , reflecting on the mutual affinities of organic beings , on their embryological relations , their geographical distribution , geological succession , and other such facts , might come to the conclusion that species had not been independently created , but had descended , like varieties , from other species
  • In the origin of species , charles darwin made a specific appeal to this idea when he wrote his famous description of the complex ecology of a bank covered by dense vegetation : " it is interesting to contemplate an entangled bank , clothed with many plants of many kinds , with birds singing on the bushes , with various insects flitting about , and with worms crawling through the damp earth , and to reflect that these elaborately constructed forms , so different from each other , and dependent on each other in so complex a manner , have all been produced by laws acting around us "
    這句話最廣泛的中譯法是(按周建人/葉篤莊/方宗熙譯本) : “凝視樹木交錯的河岸,許多種類的無數植物覆蓋其上,群鳥鳴于灌木叢中,各種昆蟲飛來飛去,蚯蚓在濕土里爬過,并且默想一下,這些構造精巧的類型,彼此這樣相異,并以這樣復雜的方式相互依存,而它們都是由于在我們周圍發生作用的法則產生出來的,這豈非有趣之事。 ”
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