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performance provision造句

"performance provision"是什麼意思  performance provisionの例文  


  • Molson executives will also have all performance provisions on their share units and stock options eliminated.
  • The agreement states that the courts have the power to order a season to be played under a specific performance provision.
  • The new arrangement apparently includes performance provisions to give the European buyers some assurance about the revenue they will receive from their investments in Sprint.
  • The incentives range from $ 600, 000 for reaching certain play-time and performance provisions to an extra $ 600, 000 if he makes two Pro Bowls in his first five years.
  • Indeed, many contracts now contain performance provisions " so that an operator can be removed if he doesn't reach certain income levels, " said James Eyster, a professor at the Cornell University School of Hotel Administration.
  • Generally speaking, Konner said, if a buyer's lawyer insists that the specific performance provision be taken out of the contract, the seller will usually comply because the courts are quite reluctant to hold a buyer to specific performance.
  • It's difficult to find performance provision in a sentence. 用performance provision造句挺難的
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