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pigeon bay造句

"pigeon bay"是什麼意思  pigeon bayの例文  


  • This lost settlements like Pigeon Bay and Okains Bay.
  • In 1872, he married Agnes Hay of Pigeon Bay on Banks Peninsula.
  • After the battle the sisters returned to Pigeon Bay where they engaged the Russian fortifications.
  • He then went by boat to Pigeon Bay, Port Levy, and Port Cooper.
  • In neighbouring Pigeon Bay the tsunami was observed at about 2 am but caused no damage.
  • By the 1930s, the road had been surveyed as far south as the saddle above Pigeon Bay.
  • The Sinclairs moved to New Zealand, arriving in 1841; they settled in Pigeon bay in 1843.
  • A tsunami estimated at five metres high struck the north-facing Little Pigeon Bay on Banks Peninsula.
  • At Pigeon bay, which was heavily timbered, with very little open ground, only cattle-grazing was possible.
  • After the disappearance of her husband, Eliza and her five children were left to survive on their own in Pigeon Bay.
  • It's difficult to see pigeon bay in a sentence. 用pigeon bay造句挺難的
  • To the north of the point lies Pigeon Bay, which shares a shoreline with Canada and to the south is Lake Superior.
  • George Holmes of Pigeon Bay, the contractor for the Lyttelton Rail Tunnel, then bought the ship, refitted and used her until 1869.
  • Captain Sinclair was of the same mind and so both families began preparations to move from the Hutt Valley to Pigeon Bay on Banks Peninsula.
  • Born at Pigeon Bay on Banks Peninsula on 24 January 1871, He married Edith Grace Bates in 1898, and the couple had two sons,
  • "' Pigeon Bay "'is a body of water that lies between Minnesota, United States and Ontario, Canada and is part of Lake Superior.
  • Cheese-making was one of the main occupations of all these first farmers, not only at Riccarton, Port Cooper, and Pigeon bay, but at Rhodes's establishment at Akaroa.
  • At Pigeon bay, Sinclair and Hay were occupying land which the Mori considered they had sold to the French, although this fact did not prevent them from demanding further payment from the two settlers.
  • While Langlois and his colonists sheltered from unfavourable winds at Pigeon Bay on the other side of the peninsula, the British raised their flag at Greens Point between Akaroa and Takapuneke and courts of law convened to assert British sovereignty over the South Island.
  • When they tried again on 22 March, they were attacked by Russian coast defence guns that had been transferred there by the new Russian commander, Vice Admiral Stepan Makarov, and also from several Russian ships in Port Arthur using observers overlooking Pigeon Bay.
  • At Pigeon Bay a succession of waves reaching up to two metres above the highest high water mark between 3am and 1pm carried away two jetties, 40, 000 feet of sawn timber, a boat house, fencing, and the ketch " Courier ".
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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