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potong pasir造句

"potong pasir"是什麼意思  potong pasirの例文  


  • In 2009, Chiam celebrated his 25th year as MP for Potong Pasir.
  • Watercress was the most important type of vegetable grown in Potong Pasir.
  • The sloping roof of some blocks became the most recognisable icon of Potong Pasir.
  • It merged part of Geylang West, Kallang and Potong Pasir.
  • Farmers of Potong Pasir lived in attap houses, in zinc roof and semi-concrete houses.
  • The school moved to new buildings at its original Potong Pasir site in December 2004.
  • "' Saint Andrew's Secondary School "'is a government-aided Anglican boys'secondary school in Potong Pasir, Singapore.
  • In the mid 1950s, Potong Pasir was one of the most important vegetable growing areas in Singapore.
  • Nevertheless, Chiam won the single seat of Potong Pasir, defeating Mah with 60 % of the votes.
  • In 2006, the junior college moved back to Potong Pasir to form part of St . Andrew's Village.
  • It's difficult to see potong pasir in a sentence. 用potong pasir造句挺難的
  • Leafy vegetables were grown on farms located in lowland areas such as Potong Pasir, Changi, Ponggol, and Sembawang.
  • Potong Pasir SMC was lost by Lina Chiam with the narrowest margin of 0.72 % or 114 votes.
  • The party was founded in 1980 by Chiam See Tong, who as Secretary-General became the party's first Potong Pasir.
  • The school then relocated to a site in Potong Pasir because of noise pollution caused by the upgraded Pan-Island Expressway.
  • A decision was made to relocate the Junior School from its Woodsville site to the school field nearer Potong Pasir.
  • As part of the St Andrew's Village project, all three schools were planned to return to Woodsville and Potong Pasir.
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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