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rat and mouse造句

"rat and mouse"是什麼意思  rat and mouseの例文  


  • Very soon puss had chased away all the rats and mice .
  • Their job is to exterminate rats and mice
  • Rats and mice are similar animals
  • Standard test method for oncogenicity study in rats and mice
  • Effects of toxoplasma gondii infection on the level of serum nitric oxide of rats and mice
  • Searching for a computer - controlled running wheel system for rats and mice
  • Experimental study on the effects of tongfu decoction on the gastrointestinal motility in rats and mice
  • Unlike britain ' s government , america ' s does not think rats and mice worth counting
  • Male rats and mice with chemically induced folate deficiency have impaired spermatogenesis and are infertile
    要是以化學方法使雄性大鼠與小鼠體內缺乏葉酸, ?們制造精子的機制就不能正常運作,因而喪失生殖能力。
  • From flies and worms to rats and mice , animals fed on restricted diets generally live longer than those given abundant food
  • It's difficult to see rat and mouse in a sentence. 用rat and mouse造句挺難的
  • Snakes did not acquire their poison for use against man but for use against prey such as rats and mice , and the effects on these of viperine poison is almost immediate
  • Male and female rats and mice were gien four different doses of sodium dichromate dihydrate in their drinking water ranging from 14 . 3 mg / l to 516 mg / l for two years
    研究人員在雌雄大鼠和小鼠的飲用水中加入4種不同劑量( 14 . 3毫克/升至516毫克/升)的重鉻酸鈉,為期兩年。
  • The estimated reduction of 15 , 000 in animal use following this review equates to around 3 . 5 % of the rats and mice used in testing new human or veterinary medicines or dentistry products
    估計根據綜述所減少15 , 000只動物等同于大約3 . 5 %小鼠和大鼠被用于測試新藥,獸藥或治療牙病的藥物等。
  • Mark mattson , a researcher at the national institute on aging , says that reducing the amount of calories fed to older rats and mice by 30 percent has helped enhance learning and memory
    國家老化學會的研究員馬克?麥特森說,把給年齡較大的老鼠的食物熱量降低30 % ,對提高它們的學習力和記憶力有幫助。
  • Toxicity testing of new medicines for humans and animals accounts for 4 % of all animal use in europe , which means just under half a million rats and mice are used for this purpose each year
    在歐洲,用于新藥的人和動物的急性毒性試驗的動物占4 % ,這意味著每年有不少于50萬小鼠和大鼠被用于急性毒性試驗。
  • A blundering bat once stuck her head into a wakeful weasel ' s bed ; whereat the mistress of the house , a deadly foe of rats and mice was making reday in a trice to eat the stranger as a mouse . " what
    一次,一只冒失的蝙蝠不小心闖入一只黃鼠狼的窩里,這只警醒的母黃鼠狼是老鼠的天敵,她正準備把他當成老鼠一口吞下去, “好呀,你膽子還真不小, ”她說道: “我早就受不了你們老鼠偷偷摸摸的行經了,現在,你竟敢溜到我的臥室來?
  • The aim of this study was to examine ppar5 expression in rat and mouse uterus during early pregnancy , pseudopregnancy , delayed implanation , artificial decidualization and regulation by steroid hormone treatment by in situ hybridization and inununohistochemisny the expression of ppar gene in preimplanation embryo was also determined by rt - pcr
  • As the most common used small experimental animals , rat and mouse have inconsistencys in reproduction , especially in gondonatorpin inducing oocyte maturation . our research was undertook to elucidate which kind of gonadotropins play role in oocyte meiotic maturation , the effects of fsh ans lh / hcg on mouse and rat oocyte maturation in vitro were examined under different culture models
    在體外自發成熟模型中,大鼠的去卵丘裸卵( do )自發成熟發生要較卵丘包被的卵母細胞( ceo )早, do培養2h時gvbd可達到88 ,而ceo培養2h的gvbd為53 。
  • In the first part , we observed the changes of expressions of type i receptor of il - 1 in the rat and mouse brain after intraperitoneally administration of different kinds and doses antigens respectively . in the second part including two experiments we cloned rat il - 6r ' s genes by pcr , expressed them in e . coli dh5 a and cos - 7 cell , and produced il - 6r ' s polyclonal antibody which is proved having more high liter , affinity and specificity 1
    第一部分采用不同種類和劑量的抗原刺激,分兩個實驗,觀察了大、小鼠腦內il - 1的i型受體表達的變化,探討了腦內參與免疫調控的核團和細胞類型;第二部分分兩個實驗,運用pcr技術克隆了大鼠il - 6r的基因并進行了原核和真核表達,制備了特異性高、親和力強和較高效價的抗il - 6r多克隆抗體,為進一步進行il - 6r的研究奠定了基礎。
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