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rat species造句

rat speciesの例文  


  • Mount Pulag is the only place that hosts the 4 Cloud Rat species.
  • Although the willie wagtail is an aggressive defender of its nest, rat species.
  • This is a genus of two rice rat species ( both already FAs ) from the Central South American border zone.
  • Other mammals include ringtails, raccoons, skunks, jackrabbits, martens and many squirrel and rat species including northern flying squirrel.
  • The central rock-rat " Zyzomys pedunculatus " is one of five rock-rat species native to Australia.
  • All kangaroo rat species are sensitive to extreme temperatures and remain in their burrows during rain storms and other forms of inclement weather.
  • The researchers also found that compared with related rat species, the mole-rats'somatosensory cortex was much larger, and that it encompassed areas of the brain normally devoted to vision.
  • Firstly, modern authors tend to separate this and some closely related mole rat species from other " Spalax " species by classifying them into a separate genus named " Nannospalax ".
  • They are similar in appearance to the common rat species " Rattus rattus " and " Rattus norvegicus ", but with larger ears and eyes, softer coats, and furred tails.
  • All four bamboo rat species in the world are found in China : the Chinese bamboo rat south of the Yangtze, hoary bamboo rat in southwest China, large bamboo rat in Xishuangbanna in southern Yunnan and lesser bamboo rat and western Yunnan.
  • It's difficult to see rat species in a sentence. 用rat species造句挺難的
  • The San Bernardino kangaroo rat follows the same body plan as " Dipodomys merriami " and other kangaroo rat species : large hind feet for jumping, long tail for balance while jumping, cheek pouches for foraging, and so on.
  • If a " Prosobonia " sandpiper once bred on Teeraina, it is almost certainly those rats that are responsible for these birds'disappearance; only a single taxon of " Prosobonia " remains today, precariously holding its own on atolls that are devoid of any rat species.
  • The tuft is thought to act like fletching on an arrow, providing drag to keep the animal stable during locomotion . " merriami " have four toes on each hind foot in contrast to the pacific kangaroo rat, " Dipodomys simulans " and the Stephens'kangaroo rat, " Dipodomys stephensi " ( both kangaroo rat species also found in San Diego County ), which have five toes.
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