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rat testes造句

"rat testes"是什麼意思  rat testesの例文  


  • Effect of estradiol benzoate on the growth and development of rat testis
  • Effect of haloxyfop - p - methyl on damage of spermatogenic cells in the rat testis
  • Effect of generalized unspecifical immunoreaction on activities of some enzymes in rat testis
  • The functional change of the rats testis in the condition of undifferential orchitis induced by lipopolysaccharide
  • The results were as follows : l . the microvascular distribution : the capillary vessel of rat testis were distributed among seminiferous tubules
    結果如下: 1微血管分布:大鼠睪丸的微血管分布于睪丸間質內。
  • Zhou hm , and liu yx ( 1997 ) : localization of tpa and pai - 1 in rat testes . chinese science bulletin . 42 : 588 - 591
    周紅明、劉以訓( 1996 ) :組織型纖溶酶原激活因子及抑制因子的信使核糖核酸在大鼠睪丸中的定位。科學通報41 : 455 458 。
  • It's difficult to find rat testes in a sentence. 用rat testes造句挺難的
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