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reflecting optics造句

"reflecting optics"是什麼意思  reflecting opticsの例文  


  • At the photon energy of shorter wavelengths ( higher frequency ), glancing-incident optics, rather than fully reflecting optics are used.
  • On the other hand, the Spitzer Space Telescope, observing from about 3 ?m ( 0.003 mm ) to 180 ?m ( 0.18 mm ) uses a mirror ( reflecting optics ).
  • "This problem is still open, " said Ranfagni of the Italian group, which used an ingenious set of reflecting optics to create microwave pulses that seemed to travel as much as 25 percent faster than c over short distances.
  • Also using reflecting optics, the Hubble Space Telescope with Wide Field Camera 3 can observe in the frequency range from about 0.2 ?m ( 0.0002 mm ) to 1.7 ?m ( 0.0017 mm ) ( from ultra-violet to infrared light ).
  • It's difficult to find reflecting optics in a sentence. 用reflecting optics造句挺難的
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