residency training program造句
- PCOM sponsors residency training programs, which train newly graduated physicians.
- In 1976, LGH established a residency training program for internal medicine.
- Some residency training programs have adopted this resource to meet ACGME requirements.
- In 1990, it established an accredited residency training program in Emergency Medicine.
- In 1920 the hospital introduced its Residency training programs.
- Halsted also established the first formal surgical residency training program in the United States.
- Following his retirement, Gregg completed his residency training program at the University of Alberta.
- It has residency training program in 11 different departments and accredited by their respective societies.
- Bellevue initiated a residency training program in 1883; it is still the model for surgical training worldwide.
- Many physicians are currently taught bedside ultrasound during the emergency medicine residency training programs in the United States.
- It's difficult to see residency training program in a sentence. 用residency training program造句挺難的
- It's the location for " CMU Medical Education Partners ", which offers various residency training programs.
- Passing the examinations confers the right to practice medicine as well as to apply in a Residency Training Program.
- Halsted was credited with starting the first formal surgical residency training program in the United States at Johns Hopkins.
- Generally, members are required to be residents in good standing with an accredited emergency medicine residency training program.
- Due to severe deficiencies, the former King / Drew Medical Center lost accreditation of several key residency training programs.
- There are 21 residency training programs active in the School of Medicine, comprising over 500 full-time residents.
- The hospital operates a number of residency training programs for physicians, as well as a residency for pharmacy graduates.
- At Harvard he worked in the laboratory of Daniel Schacter . and finished psychiatry residency training program at Harvard Medical School.
- Working at Tacoma General Hospital from 1947 to 1963, he established the first residency training program in anesthesiology in Washington state.
- He has chaired the Medical Faculty Assembly, and served as Director of the Podiatric Residency Training Program at ( UTHSCSA ).
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