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riveting on造句

"riveting on"是什麼意思  riveting onの例文  


  • Dantes' whole attention was riveted on him .
  • There was silence, all eyes riveted on him .
  • They hold their breath, eyes riveted on the moon .
  • "i'm sorry, sister," bob replied woodenly, his blue-green eyes still riveted on the tip of the quivering cane as it waved back and forth .
  • His attention was riveted on the tv
  • Their eves were riveted on it
  • Studs for screwing in and riveting on
  • With her eyes riveted on him she could still see chris in the back
  • Specification for representation of rivets on drawings for aerospace equipment
  • Do we need these rivets on the cowling ?-yeah, or the reverse thrust would rip it off
  • It's difficult to see riveting on in a sentence. 用riveting on造句挺難的
  • Do we need these rivets on the cowiing ?-yeah, or the reverse thrust wouid rip it off
  • -do we need these rivets on the cowiing ?-yeah, or the reverse thrust wouid rip it off
  • -do we need these rivets on the cowling ?-yeah, or the reverse thrust would rip it off
  • He turned farther round . with her eyes riveted on him she could still see chris in the back
  • Aerospace series; representation of rivets on drawings for aerospace equipment; german version en 2544 : 1987
  • For twenty seven years i have kept my eyes riveted on what mail order advertisers do in their advertisements
  • The dying man s eyes were all the time riveted on the door, through which he hoped succor would arrive
  • The kitten, her eyes riveted on him, seemed on the point of breaking into frolic, and showing her cat-like nature
  • E cast a significant glance at monte cristo, whose eyes had been riveted on her countenance during the whole course of her narrative
  • "i'm sorry, sister, " bob replied woodenly, his blue-green eyes still riveted on the tip of the quivering cane as it waved back and forth
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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