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"routeway"是什麼意思  routewayの例文  


  • Routeway to success
  • The system is an intellectual brain for company to integrate and optimize the national port ' s resource , it can provide efficient mathematical model design between two points , by which the company can get the best routeway
  • Xuanhua - datong speedway is a over loading traffic mountainous highway in hebei and an important routeway for carrying coal from shanxi . to exert benefits of xuanhua - datong speedway sufficiently , measuring traffic ability of bridges is important
  • Automobile windshields , doors , windows of building , stair rooms , sightseeing lifts , corners of balcony , halls & living rooms , rolling roofs , lighting of roofs , routeway of street , furniture and counters and fridges , the places where requires constant temperature
  • The splendid main lobby is elegant and showing originality . the corridor routeway is connected with the shopping mall . be seated at the broad floor window , taking some tea and coffee and have a sight of the sea outside the window , you can enjoy the taste of the fantastic charming of the seaside natural sight
  • At the same time , this thesis provide security routeway for user identity validation by encrypt component of our development ; this thesis also provides a solution for the complex data query and reports building and printing of web based system by bonding xml , dhtm , ole automation and asp . net
    作者還自行開發了加密組件,為信息系統安全以及用戶身份認證提供了有力工具;綜合使用xml 、 dhtml 、 asp . net和oleautomation技術,解決了web平臺上復雜查詢和報表打印的難題。
  • Be based upon the studies of sea optical scatter channel by use of monte carlo simulation , the channel is described as a multipath routeway in this paper . the effect on the communications performance , created by the frequency selectivity decline caused by the multipath routeway , is worked over . the correlation bandwith of sea optical scatter channel is analyzed and quantified through the simulation on the computer
  • It's difficult to find routeway in a sentence. 用routeway造句挺難的
如何routeway造句用routeway造句routeway in a sentence和routeway的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。