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royalty fee造句

"royalty fee"是什麼意思  royalty feeの例文  


  • When such deals are struck, management's attention is often focused on royalty fees and transfer prices .
  • When such deals are struck, management's attention is often focused on royalty fees and transfer prices .
  • Price thresholds for relief from royalty fees were accidentally omitted in those years
  • The royalty fee refers to a percentage of gross sales that the franchisee regularly pays to the franchisor during the operation
  • The most interesting , however , is the capturing of e - commerce revenue streams , either in the form of handling royalty fees to the merchant , or between players
  • Three reasons why linux will trounce the embedded market " developerworks , may 2001 are royalty fees , device features , and the promise of a single platform tivo gets a mention here
    ” ( developerworks , 2001年5月)一文,解釋了linux對嵌入式市場產生重創的三個原因,即特許權費用、設備特性和單平臺的承諾( tivo在這里提及了) 。
  • In practice this mea that section 110 ( 5 ) of the us copyright act permits under certain circumstances , the playing of radio and television music in public places ( such as bars , sho , restaurants etc . ) without the payment of a royalty fee
  • In practice this means that section 110 ( 5 ) of the us copyright act permits under certain circumstances , the playing of radio and television music in public places ( such as bars , shops , restaurants etc . ) without the payment of a royalty fee
  • Generally speaking , the franchisee will pay the following items : franchising fee , royalty fee , promotional fee , advertising fee equipment purchase , the raw materials , the cost of land and the operation cost etc . the totaled cost will be easily over rmb500 , 000 , which is a great burden for any potential franchisee if it gets no external funds , especially from banks
  • Franchising means that the frachisor and the franchisee reach an agreement in which the franchisor agrees to allow the franchisee to use the frachisor " s trademark , logo , product , patent , know - how or operation model and provide the franchisee with training management , promotional assistance and the ongoing support service and as his obligation under the agreement , the franchisee must pay such fees as franchise fee , royalty fee , training fee , advertising fee etc . franchising first appeared in us in 1856 and soon became popular in the worldwide
    特許經營是指特許者將自己的商標(包括服務商標) 、商號、產品、專利和專有技術、經營模式等以特許經營合同的形式授予被特許者(以下簡稱受許人)使用,依照合同規定,受許人須向特許人支付相應的加盟金、特許費、培訓費等費用,以換取特許人的知識產權使用權和后續持續服務支持的商業模式。
  • It's difficult to see royalty fee in a sentence. 用royalty fee造句挺難的
如何royalty fee造句用royalty fee造句royalty fee in a sentence和royalty fee的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。