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"sabaoth"是什麼意思  sabaothの例文  


  • Name : a clan of sabaoth
  • Name : a clan fo sabaoth
  • And as esaias said before , except the lord of sabaoth had left us a seed , we had been as sodoma , and been made like unto gomorrha
  • Deploying to the left our light horse swept across the heights of plevna and , uttering their warcry , bonafide sabaoth , sabred the saracen gunners to a man
    我們的輕騎兵隊掃蕩普列文高地,一路吶喊著: “忠誠的士兵! ” 225把薩拉遜226的炮兵殺得一個也不留。
  • Behold , the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields , which is of you kept back by fraud , crieth : and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the lord of sabaoth
    雅5 : 4工人給你們收割莊稼、你們虧欠他們的工錢這工錢有聲音呼叫并且那收割之人的冤聲、已經入了萬軍之主的耳了。
  • Behold , the pay of the laborers who mowed your fields , and which has been withheld by you , cries out against you and the outcry of those who did the harvesting has reached the ears of the lord of sabaoth
    雅5 : 4工人給你們收割莊稼、你們虧欠他們的工錢這工錢有聲音呼叫并且那收割之人的冤聲、已經入了萬軍之主的耳了。
  • It's difficult to find sabaoth in a sentence. 用sabaoth造句挺難的
如何sabaoth造句用sabaoth造句sabaoth in a sentence和sabaoth的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。