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"sabbatarian"是什麼意思  sabbatarianの例文  


  • While they stood clinging to the bank they heard a splashing round the bend of the road , and presently appeared angel clare , advancing along the lane towards them through the water . four hearts gave a big throb simultaneously . his aspect was probably as un - sabbatarian a one as a dogmatic parson s son often presented ; his attire being his dairy clothes , long wading boots , a cabbage - leaf inside his hat to keep his head cool , with a thistle - spud to finish him off
  • It's difficult to find sabbatarian in a sentence. 用sabbatarian造句挺難的
如何sabbatarian造句用sabbatarian造句sabbatarian in a sentence和sabbatarian的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。