- While they stood clinging to the bank they heard a splashing round the bend of the road , and presently appeared angel clare , advancing along the lane towards them through the water . four hearts gave a big throb simultaneously . his aspect was probably as un - sabbatarian a one as a dogmatic parson s son often presented ; his attire being his dairy clothes , long wading boots , a cabbage - leaf inside his hat to keep his head cool , with a thistle - spud to finish him off
他的外表不像是過禮拜的,這大概是那個嚴守教條的牧師教育出來的兒子的樣子吧他穿的衣服還是在奶牛場擠奶時穿的衣服,腳上穿著走泥濘道路的靴子,帽子里面還塞了一片卷心菜葉,以保持頭部的涼爽,手里拿一把小草鏟,這就是他全身的裝束。 - It's difficult to find sabbatarian in a sentence. 用sabbatarian造句挺難的