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segmentation mechanism造句

"segmentation mechanism"是什麼意思  segmentation mechanismの例文  


  • VMware's products predate the segmentation mechanisms can protect and make invisible.
  • Protected mode on the 80386 can operate with paging either enabled or disabled; the segmentation mechanism is always active and generates virtual addresses that are then mapped by the paging mechanism if it is enabled.
  • The segmentation mechanism can also be effectively disabled by setting all segments to have a base address of 0 and size limit equal to the whole address space; this also requires a minimally-sized segment descriptor table of only four descriptors ( since the FS and GS segments need not be used ).
  • It's difficult to find segmentation mechanism in a sentence. 用segmentation mechanism造句挺難的
如何segmentation mechanism造句用segmentation mechanism造句segmentation mechanism in a sentence和segmentation mechanism的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。