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smoke this造句

smoke thisの例文  


  • You can lose friends for not smoking this or not drinking that.
  • In 1999 they released the album " Smoke This ".
  • Lighting and smoking this cigar makes him smile and forget his woes.
  • The questions have lingered like wood smoke this autumn, intriguing, unanswered.
  • We have to enjoy the off day and come out smoking this weekend.
  • The first big plume of dirty smoke this morning appeared over the mountain peaks.
  • The phone lines from L . A . to Lawrence have been smoking this week.
  • That Ripken has suddenly vanished like a magician in a puff of smoke this season.
  • Not all of the Dodgers'midseason moves are going up in smoke this week.
  • They were shaky in the opening rounds last year, but came out smoking this time.
  • It's difficult to see smoke this in a sentence. 用smoke this造句挺難的
  • Maybe it has something to do with the tech business going up in smoke this year.
  • "I'm drinking a margarita and smoking this cigar for you, honey !"
  • Dr . Gro Harlem Brundtland said 3.5 million people worldwide will die from smoking this year.
  • The United Nations World Health Organization projects that a billion people will die prematurely from smoking this century.
  • Wim ter Schegget, 55, quit smoking this week after suffering from smoke-related illness for years.
  • The son had told Miami and the Dolphins and his South Florida detractors to " Smoke This ."
  • "I'm going tomorrow, so I'm going to smoke this perfect joint before going ."
  • SILICON-DOPE _ SAN DIEGO _ Maybe it has something to do with the tech business going up in smoke this year.
  • Some restaurants ban smoking, and Frankfurt's became one of several European airports to announce it would ban smoking this year.
  • "I want to smoke this guy out, " said Franzblau, a father of three who lives in Terra Linda.
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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