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spc card造句

spc cardの例文  


  • SPC Card also has a MasterCard with Bank of Montreal.
  • Each year a new SPC Card must be purchased.
  • The SPC Card is valid from August 1 until July 31 the following year.
  • The SPC Card is a fee-based loyalty program, costing $ 10.00 CAD plus tax for 12 months.
  • The expiry date is printed on the front of the SPC Card and does not change regardless of the date of purchase.
  • Cardholders receive SPC Card discounts plus their choice of Air Miles reward miles or cash back rewards without paying an annual fee.
  • The "'Student Price Card "', also known as "'SPC Card "', is a student loyalty discount program in Canada offering discounts and deals on items such as fashion, food, shoes, and travel and more.
  • It's difficult to find spc card in a sentence. 用spc card造句挺難的
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