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"stonewallings"是什麼意思  stonewallingsの例文  


  • "Somebody could be stonewalling, " he said.
  • Other things to avoid : contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling.
  • In theory, no one should be applauded for stonewalling lawmen.
  • He also accused Prudential of stonewalling the state's investigation.
  • We're tired of their inertia and stonewalling ."
  • If they truly want it completed quickly they should stop stonewalling.
  • For Bush, that kind of stonewalling has been the exception.
  • After a single day of stonewalling, Schroeder did fire him.
  • This time, however, the stonewalling didn't work.
  • "But we're not stonewalling anybody ."
  • It's difficult to see stonewallings in a sentence. 用stonewallings造句挺難的
  • Q : Why does it seem like they're stonewalling?
  • Congressional Democrats, however, accused the White House of stonewalling.
  • In Britain, meanwhile, there is still nothing but stonewalling.
  • It predicted " continued stonewalling by state agents ."
  • Thanks . " " could probably be seen as stonewalling.
  • This nitpicking, stonewalling, and general disruptiveness is very tiring.
  • It was me attempting to cooperate with someone who was stonewalling.
  • Instead that user replies with irrelevant walls of words and stonewalling.
  • Of spouses who used stonewalling, 85 percent were men.
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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