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stoneware body造句

"stoneware body"是什麼意思  stoneware bodyの例文  


  • :& we finally arrived at a stoneware body mixing a local fireclay with commercial red clay, china clay and ball clay & it works well and reduces to a red-brown with lighter speckling & Most of the glazes we use are, as a result, in the darker earthy colours but speckled light greys and ochres are also possible.
  • He turned to pottery full time in 1982, but well before then, McWhorter was developing the highly individual style that still marks the mainstream of his work _ a rich, tan stoneware body elaborately incised with various pieces of netting, stamps and dots; an iron stain is wiped on, then scraped away so that it is left only in the incisions.
  • It's difficult to find stoneware body in a sentence. 用stoneware body造句挺難的
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