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store 21造句

store 21の例文  


  • The Mk-144 Guided Missile Launcher ( GML ) unit weighs and stores 21 missiles.
  • He said KCT's storage space, which was upgraded last year, could store 21, 000 TEUs at any one time.
  • Above the store 21 fully rented studio-to three-bedroom apartments on three floors, renting for $ 900 to $ 1, 400 a month, supplement the income from the somewhat outdated store.
  • It's difficult to find store 21 in a sentence. 用store 21造句挺難的
如何store 21造句用store 21造句store 21 in a sentence和store 21的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。