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strabag bau ag造句

"strabag bau ag"是什麼意思  strabag bau agの例文  


  • The German Waterway Administration, the " Wasser-und Schifffahrtsamt ( WSA ) Bremerhaven " as the responsible governmental agency, assigned the task of workmanship to a cooperative of companies : Philipp Holzmann, Strabag Bau AG, Hermann Moeller.
  • It's difficult to find strabag bau ag in a sentence. 用strabag bau ag造句挺難的
如何strabag bau ag造句用strabag bau ag造句strabag bau ag in a sentence和strabag bau ag的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。