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surgical trauma造句

"surgical trauma"是什麼意思  surgical traumaの例文  


  • This significantly reduces the surgical trauma and stress, results in minimal post-operative pain and bladder spasm, and allows a much shorter hospital stay
  • Conclusion rabbits vasal ligation that is distant from the scrotum and epididymis via a ventral midline incision could lessen surgical trauma and reduce early post-operational complications
  • Due to the significant surgical trauma and prolonged hospital stay, however, many parents and paediatricians alike are often hesitant over surgical management, and have instead chosen to manage these children with vur conservatively with long-term prophylactic antibiotics, despite of the ineffectiveness of the latter in abolishing breakthrough urinary infections and new kidney damage
  • It's difficult to find surgical trauma in a sentence. 用surgical trauma造句挺難的
如何surgical trauma造句用surgical trauma造句surgical trauma in a sentence和surgical trauma的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。