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u chicago造句

u chicagoの例文  


  • HMAS Canberra, USS Vincennes, USS Quincy, and USS Astoria were all sunk and US Chicago were badly damaged in the battle.
  • "God didn't give us Chicago, God gave us Eretz Israel ( the Land of Israel ), " says Chaza.
  • He competed in Athletics at the 1904 Summer Olympics and won a silver medal in the 1500 metres in 4 : 06.8 behind James Lightbody, and a silver medal with the US Chicago team in the four mile race.
  • Henry Reichman, a vice president of the AAUP and chairman of the committee that issued a statement condemning Confucius Institutes, said, " There is clearly a growing sense that these academic centers need to be looked at a little more carefully . . . I suspect U Chicago and Penn State won't be the only ones to come to the conclusion that a relationship with these institutes is not really worth it ."
  • It's difficult to find u chicago in a sentence. 用u chicago造句挺難的
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