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"unep"是什麼意思  unepの例文  


  • Unep halon technical optimum committee
  • The unep annonced the champions of the earth
  • In 1997 , we gained the clear production certificate of unep
  • United nations environment programs unep
  • Unep united nations environment program
  • Such materials will be retained by unep unless otherwise requested
  • Introduction to key issues on the reform of unep and uneo initiated by france
  • Unep and cleaner production
  • In regard to these problems , the unep suggests a new strategy of ecotourism
  • The un environmental program ( unep ) will equip liberia with instruments to help maintain the purity of the nation ' s water supply
  • It's difficult to see unep in a sentence. 用unep造句挺難的
  • The winner of the unep sasakawa prize will be invited to deliver a progress report at the following year ' s award ceremony
    Unep ?川環境獎獲獎者將被邀請在獲獎的下一年度提交一個進度報告。
  • The study of love river has been selected as prat of " un classroom resource guide on water " published by unesco and unep
  • This work is supported by the national natural science foundation of china ( 39370378 ) and partly supported by unep
    國家自然科學基金資助項目( 39370378 ) ;同時也得到聯合國環境署通過中國微生物資源中心部分資助。
  • Meanwhile , studies by unep and other institutions have pinpointed some 50 lakes that have formed recently in nepal and bhutan as a result of melting glaciers
  • About 150 students representing diplomats of different countries took part in the simulated un security council , un economic and social council ( ecosoc ) and un environment programme ( unep ) council
  • Each short - listed candidate will be required to submit a statement of no more than 1 , 500 words explaining how the unep sasakawa prize will contribute towards achieving tangible goals
  • The u . n . environment programme unep said in a statement that the lateu settlement " has become one of , if not the first , to be formally moved out of harm ' s way as a result of climate change .
  • In 1979 china joined the unep ' s " global environment monitoring system , " " international registry of potentially toxic chemicals " and " international environmental information system .
    中國于1979年加入了聯合國環境署的“全球環境監測網” 、 “國際潛在有毒化學品登記中心”和“國際環境情報資料源查詢系統” 。
  • The initiative will also be celebrated by unep , in collaboration with many partners , at the world summit on sustainable development , particularly in the water dome ( see para . 38 below ) exhibitions and side events
  • In 2005 , the unep convention on migratory species and the agreement on the conservation of african eurasian migratory waterbirds aewa established an international scientific task force on avian influenza and wild birds , and produced a
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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