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vehicle acquisition造句

"vehicle acquisition"是什麼意思  vehicle acquisitionの例文  


  • These specific tasks encompass all operations from vehicle acquisition through maintenance to disposal.
  • A whole economy spreads from investments in vehicle acquisition to be later rented as taxi cabs.
  • Auto leasing is hot, and this year will account for 40 percent of all new and used vehicle acquisitions.
  • The Federal Transit Administration approved project development in December 2014, a prerequisite to federal grants for capital construction and vehicle acquisition.
  • In 2013, Will Co-Founded Uber to build out their franchise across the continent, financing new driver's vehicle acquisitions through his business, Africar4u.
  • All of these functions are performed through four main operating divisions  BME Field Operations, Materiel Management, and Vehicle Acquisition and Warranty Division, and Central Repair Shop Operations.
  • In January 2012, Senator Mo飐e Jean-Charles charged Martelly with spending government funds on friends and family, who were provided with  expensive foreign junkets, aircraft rentals, vehicle acquisitions, 
  • A 24 September 2013 Congressional Research Service report suggested that given budgetary constraints, the GCV program may be unrealistic, and that one potential discussion could focus on a decision by the Army to replace the GCV with the AMPV as their number one ground combat vehicle acquisition priority.
  • It's difficult to find vehicle acquisition in a sentence. 用vehicle acquisition造句挺難的
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