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watt transmitter造句

"watt transmitter"是什麼意思  watt transmitterの例文  


  • The station contained a 50, 000-watt transmitter housed in a copper-walled building.
  • WFDD broadcasts from a 60, 000 watt transmitter near Welcome, North Carolina.
  • KFI initially used a 50-watt transmitter made from a crank telephone.
  • AO-6 had a 1.3 watt transmitter into a half-wave dipole antenna.
  • There also was a 5, 000-watt transmitter unit for emergency use.
  • It returned to the air on June 8, 2012 with a 100 watt transmitter.
  • On June 29, 1941, KIRO's new, 50, 000-Watt transmitter on Maury Island became operational.
  • The station used an RCA BTA-5F 5, 000 watt transmitter at the College site.
  • CJSR operates a 900 watt transmitter, broadcasting throughout Edmonton, Alberta and the surrounding area.
  • Currently, WCBN is in the process of installing a new 3, 000 watt transmitter.
  • It's difficult to see watt transmitter in a sentence. 用watt transmitter造句挺難的
  • KCPR's first broadcast occurred with a small two-watt transmitter in the fall of 1968.
  • In 1941 the Government's Information Department installed a 300 watt transmitter in Lusaka, the capital.
  • It operated with a 10, 000-watt transmitter output covering Metro Manila, Central Luzon and Calabarzon.
  • The station operates via a 24, 500-watt transmitter located on Taylor Road in Butler County.
  • Henry Herman's station originally broadcast using a 5-watt transmitter.
  • Instead, the movie audio is piped from the cinderblock projection booth via a 1-watt transmitter.
  • It had used a 100, 000 watt transmitter but that was destroyed in a 1989 tornado.
  • Located at the other end of the corridor in the room has two small 100-watt transmitter.
  • Roosevelt Hotel in New York City and the 500 watt transmitter located on the hotel roof.
  • Michaels assured the host of the station's horse-racing show while tuning the station's 5, 000-watt transmitter.
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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