yard foreman造句
- :Yard Foreman Switcher-A Yard foreman assigned to a yard switcher crew is responsible for sorting inbound trains.
- :Yard Foreman Switcher-A Yard foreman assigned to a yard switcher crew is responsible for sorting inbound trains.
- 2 ) Remote Control Yard Foreman-A remote control yard foreman, has the same duties as a " Yard Foreman ".
- 2 ) Remote Control Yard Foreman-A remote control yard foreman, has the same duties as a " Yard Foreman ".
- 2 ) Remote Control Yard Foreman-A remote control yard foreman, has the same duties as a " Yard Foreman ".
- In 1896 staff totalled 271, including 79 porters, 58 signalmen ( in 14 signal boxes ) and 58 shunters and yard foremen.
- After Rick DeGroat Jr ., a 35-year-old yard foreman for an auto-salvage company, told the others that he had become a grandfather, they sported large pink buttons that said " It's a girl ."
- He orders his yard foreman to finish the work by the next day, even if it means sending the ship and its crew to certain death because he wants T鴑nesen to die on board.
- The yard foreman gets an attack of conscience and rows out to stop the Indian Girl from heading to sea and death; Bernick's son is brought back safely by his mother; and Bernick addresses the community, tells them most of the truth and gets away with it.
- It's difficult to find yard foreman in a sentence. 用yard foreman造句挺難的