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"exposure"是什麼意思  exposureの例文  


  • Subchronic exposure to arsenate utilizing constant rate administration.
  • En anglais, Global Exposure Monitor: gestion du risque.
  • Menstrual disorders due to chemical exposure among hairdressers.
  • A Review of Employee Exposure and Health Effects.
  • Is allergen exposure the primary cause of asthma?
  • A review of employee exposure and health effects.
  • Influence of exposure concentration and work load», Int.
  • Exposure Estimation, Hazard Characterization, and ExposureResponse Analysis ».
  • Exposure Estimation, Hazard Characterization, and Exposure-Response Analysis ».
  • : Organochlorine exposure and risk of breast cancer.
  • It's difficult to see exposure in a sentence. 用exposure造句挺難的
  • Exposure Estimation, Hazard Characterization, and Exposure-Response analysis ».
  • Effect of Repeated Exposure Under Controlled Conditions», Bull.
  • Human exposure assessment, Environmental Health Criteria, numéro 214.
  • Technical manual for the trend exposure programme 2005-2006.
  • « Exposure of Canadian Aboriginal peoples to methylmercury.
  • Human exposure to atmospheric concentrations of selected chemicals.
  • Rats after gavage, drinking water and inhalation exposure.
  • Workshop on Children’s Health and Indoor Mold Exposure.
  • Mergler D, Vézina N. Dysmenorrhea and cold exposure.
  • Dynamics, exposure and hazard assessment of toxic chemicals.
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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