ladakh autonomous hill development council造句
- ladakh autonomous hill development council In 1995, the Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council was created. This agreement was given effect by the Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council Act, 1995. Following demands for auto......
- autonomous hill council Almost all of the primary schools are now maintained by Darjeeling Gorkha Autonomous Hill Council. CNC has been demanding an Autonomous Hill Council on the lines of Ladakh and Darjeeling. ......
- darjeeling gorkha autonomous hill council Almost all of the primary schools are now maintained by Darjeeling Gorkha Autonomous Hill Council. "' Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council "'( DGHC ) ( ( 1988-2012 ), also once known for a short......
- hill hill hill hill :See List of tautological place names for places whose names are derived from native language terms for a type of feature, such as the Mississippi River ( Mississippi meaning " Big River "......
- ladakh ecological development group The influx of outsiders was not all bad, said Sonam Dawa, who runs the Ladakh Ecological Development Group. She also helped establish several indigenous NGOs in Ladakh including the Women'......
- ladakh renewable energy development agency "' Ladakh Renewable Energy Development Agency "'( LREDA ) is a renewable energy initiative in Ladakh, a mountainous region of India in the state of Jammu and Kashmir.
- ladakh buddhist council In 1989, there were violent riots between Buddhists and Muslims, provoking the Ladakh Buddhist Council to call for a social and economic boycott of Muslims, which was lifted in 1992.
- autonomous development I am ready to make a clear stand for decentralization and autonomous development, "We're continuing with our autonomous development," She sees the Iron Guard, Romania's main fascist group,......
- autonomous regulatory development Autonomous regulatory development
- autonomous district council It is one of the six autonomous district councils in Manipur state. LPP holds one ( of 27 ) seat in the Lai Autonomous District Council. It has its headquarters at Siaha-the capital of Mar......
- autonomous regional council of the south caribbean coast The "'Autonomous Regional Council of the South Caribbean Coast "'( Spanish : " Consejo Regional Aut髇oma de la Costa Caribe Sur " ), abbreviated as the "'CRACCS "', is the devolved legislat......
- chakma autonomous district council The other two Autonomous District Councils in Mizoram are Mara Autonomous District Council ( MADC ) to the south and Chakma Autonomous District Council to the west. The only seat of politi......
- darjeeling gorkha autonomous hills council Almost all of the primary schools are now maintained by Darjeeling Gorkha Autonomous Hill Council. "' Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council "'( DGHC ) ( ( 1988-2012 ), also once known for a short......
- east hebei autonomous council In its place, the Japanese-backed East Hebei Autonomous Council and the Hebei Chahar Political Council were established. However, because the Japanese encountered strong resistance from t......
- jaintia hills autonomous district council He was also a member of United Khasi Jaintia Hills Autonomous District Council, 1957 to 1972, also member of the Assam Legislative Assembly ( 1962 68 ) and the Meghalaya Legislative Assem......
- karbi anglong autonomous district council Regional autonomy has been ensured for Bodo-Kachari community in Bodoland Territorial Council Areas ( BTC ), for the Karbis in Karbi Anglong and for the people of Dima Hasao district under......
- lai autonomous district council LPP holds one ( of 27 ) seat in the Lai Autonomous District Council. The Lai Autonomous District Council managed their education from Primary to Middle stage, in which the state government......
- mara autonomous district council It has its headquarters at Siaha-the capital of Mara Autonomous District Council. Mara is a recognised language in the School curriculum of Mara Autonomous District Council ( MADC ). The M......
- mishing autonomous council The Mishings tribe is currently enjoying a sub state like autonomy under the name of Mishing Autonomous Council, which was formed after the signing of MAC act 1995 between Mishings organiz......
- mising autonomous council The Mising Autonomous Council was constituted by the Government of Assam in 2005. It is under jurisdiction of " Mising Autonomous Council " having three constituencies.
- rabha hasong autonomous council An Autonomous Council have been constituted under the style-Rabha Hasong Autonomous Council. The "'Rabha Hasong Autonomous Council ( RHAC ) "'was constituted by the Government of Assam in ......
- sadar hills autonomous district council "' Sadar Hills Autonomous District Council "'( SHADC ) covers Saikul Subdivision, Saitu Subdivision and Sadar Hills West Subdivision in Senapati District of Manipur. "' Saikul "'is the hea......
- supreme council of the autonomous republic of crimea A ruling by the court was submitted by the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea on 20 January 2010. March 6, 2014 the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea h......
- tripura tribal areas autonomous district council IPFT gained its political breakthrough in the elections to the Tripura Tribal Areas Autonomous District Council in 2000. The Left Front government also enacted reforms granting official st......
- chittagong hill tracts development board United Nations Emergency Fund ( UNICEF ) has been sponsoring the Integrated Community Development Project under the supervision of the Chittagong Hill Tracts Development Board. The then-Pr......
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