人: human being; man; person; pe ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...行為: action; behaviour; conduct; ...發育: growth; development; auxe; e ...(人的行为)得体的: decent当事人的行为: act of party描述人的行为: describing people‘s actions人的行为节律: human behavioral rhythms调查某人的行为: check on sb investigate sb's behaviour background etc法人的行为能力: disposing capacity of juristic person杀死他人的行为: the act of killing someone为某人的行为吃惊: be shocked by sb.'s conduct灾害时人的行为: human behavior during a disaster行为发展: behavior development(指人的行为)可以理解的: understandable斥责某人的行为卑劣: denounce sb.'s conduct as base改变某人的行为方式: change one’s behavior根据某人的行为来判断: judge from one's conduct行为发展反常: dysorganization行为发展模式: pattern of behavior development不法行为发生地: place of wrong doing儿童行为发展阶段: children behavior developmental stages侵权行为发生地: place of tort行为发生地法院: forum actus表面上友好实际上坑害人的行为。: kiss of death