根據: on the basis of; according t ...某人: a certain person的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...行為: action; behaviour; conduct; ...來: come; arrive判斷: judge; decide; determine; es ...你不能通过别人的行为来判断我: i am an individual. you can't judge me by other's actions根据某人的长相: by one's looks /by one's appearance根据某人的建议: at sb.s suggestionn根据…来判断: judge by根据某人的尺寸定做: make sth to sb’s measure调查某人的行为: check on sb investigate sb's behaviour background etc为某人的行为吃惊: be shocked by sb.'s conduct根据,据某人所说: to distinguish from根据某人看法: in one's opinion根据某人命令: sb.'s bidding根据某人所述: by sb.'s own account根据某人意见: to one's mind; toone‘smind由某人自己来判断: judge for oneself根据某人自己供认: by/on one's own admission斥责某人的行为卑劣: denounce sb.'s conduct as base改变某人的行为方式: change one’s behavior你不应该根据别人的行为判定我: you shouldn't judge me based on other's actions根据某人编剧的影片拍摄: based on the film written by(人的行为)得体的: decent