你: you不: a block of wood應該: should; ought to; must根據: on the basis of; according t ...別人: other people; others; people的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...行為: action; behaviour; conduct; ...判定: judge; decide; vote; determi ...我: I; my; me你不能通过别人的行为来判断我: i am an individual. you can't judge me by other's actions我看你不应该: i don't think you ought to根据某人的行为来判断: judge from one's conduct最不信任别人的人最不应该得到信任: idleness is the root of all evils你不应该睡觉晚: you shouldn’t go to bed late你不应该早走的: you shouldn't have left early干别人的行业: shoot in another's bow它们应该根据学生的能力来组织教学: they should organize their classes according to the students’ ability(人的行为)得体的: decent当事人的行为: act of party描述人的行为: describing people‘s actions人的行为发育: development of human behavior人的行为节律: human behavioral rhythms你不应该周末还呆在家里: you are not suppose to stay home during the weekend你不应该自夸自己的成绩: you shouldn’t go boasting about your achievement不应该: must not; shall not; should not; shouldn't