你: you不: a block of wood應當: should; ought to; duty-bound ...曠課: be absent from school withou ...这样做应当不应当: it should be done this way shouldn't it不应当的迟延: undue delay我看你不应该: i don't think you ought to他们不应当失去: them thats not shall lose旷课: be absent from school without leave; cut school; cut classes; play truant; skip school work你不应该睡觉晚: you shouldn’t go to bed late你不应该早走的: you shouldn't have left early大国不应当欺负小国: big nations should not bully small ones你不应成为其他任何人: you can't be no one else你不应该周末还呆在家里: you are not suppose to stay home during the weekend你不应该自夸自己的成绩: you shouldn’t go boasting about your achievement应当: should; ought to; duty-bound; naturally 短語和例子 中國應當對人類有較大的貢獻。 the chinese people should make a greater contribution to mankind. 這樣做應當不應當? it should be done this way, shouldn't it我们不应当对青年作家太苛求: we should not judge the young writers too harshly不应: never promise anything; shouldn't旷课乐: crunk你不应该根据别人的行为判定我: you shouldn't judge me based on other's actions你妈妈责备你时你不应该顶嘴: when your mother scolds you you shouldn't answer back你母亲责备你时你不应该回嘴: when your mother scolds you you shouldn't answer back旷课,逃学,旷工: truancy旷课调查员: attendance officer旷课检查员: truant officer