作者: author; writer代理商: factor協會: association; society; instit ...保险代理商协会: corporation of insurance agents广告代理商协会: aaaa国际代理商协会: international factoring association第三者代理商: escrow agent阿拉伯旅游代理商协会: aatta; arab association of tourist and travel agents; arab sssociation of tourist and travel agents船舶经纪人和代理商协会: association of shipbrokers and agents利比里亚航运代理商协会: association of shipping agents in liberia美国广告代理商协会: aaaa美洲旅游代理商协会: american society of travel agents; asta全国采购代理商协会: national association of purchassing agents希腊汽车进口代理商协会: association of motor cars importing representative英国旅行代理商协会: abta英国汽车代理商协会: maa motor agents association (uk)保理商协会: ifg各国船舶经纪人和代理商协会联合会: federation of national associations of shibrokers and agents国际飞机经纪人与代理商协会: iaba; international association of aircraft brokers and agents拉丁美洲货物和运输代理商协会: alacat; latin american association of freight and transport agents希腊摩托车进口及代理商协会: association of importer &dealers of motorcycles 卡瓦拉商工會英国国内外海运代理商协会: british and foreign maritime agencies代理商: agency; agent middleman; agent noun; agtent; commercial agent; commission agent; commission merchant; dealership; factor代理人,代理商: agent代理商,代理人: agent