作者: author; writer單位: unit和: mix; blend聯絡: get in touch with; come into ...方式: way; fashion; pattern联络方式: contact us第一作者单位: first author affiliation部分数据带有英文文摘和第一作者单位: first author affiliation网络方式: network modes查找网络方式: registration preferences电话聊络方式: telephonic communication封锁网络方式: closed network model礼宾和联络处: protocol and liaison services信息和联络处: information and liaison service支助和联络科: support and liaison section单位和增量: units & increments数量(单位和符号): quantities (units and symbols)操纵和联络快艇: command and control boat对外关系和联络处: external relations and liaison branch发展创新和联络网: development innovations and networks媒体核证和联络股: media accreditation and liaison unit消息和联络通报: bulletin de liaison et d'information联络单位: liaison unit标准单位和名称: standard units and nomenclature单位和变换因子: fundamental physical constants