咱倆: we two; the two of us在: exist; be living一起: in the same place了: finish; complete; end; fulfi ...分: component真是有缘: it’s destiny但是有些事在一起: but some are altogether不再与我们在一起了: to be no longer with us电线都缠结在一起了: the wires are all tangled up那些纸用纸夹夹在一起了: the sheets are held together by paper clips我们永远不能在一起了: we won't be together for ever and ever像年轻的时候,经常在一起了: like we used to be when we were teenagers又把犯人串在一起了: return of the chain gang这两股线缠在一起了: the two threads got tangled up. deal with相见是有缘: at first sight信是有缘: falling in love这弟兄俩又在闹别扭: the two brothers are bickering again不知道我们为什么不能在一起了: and i am wondering why were not getting along它与其他很多东西混杂在一起了: it was confused among many objects现在只剩她和她的小孩在一起了now: she was left alone with her little child这些零件完好地焊在一起了: the parts welded together perfectly烟酒跟我没有缘分: smoking and drinking don't appeal to me. destiny as conditioned by one's past我们不能在一起过圣诞节真是太遗憾了: it's really a shame we can't be together at christmas在一起: be togehter; be together; couple up; sb; tillsammans; w with; wz with咱俩: both of us