
發音:   用"姻亲关系"造句 姻亲关系 in English
ilus adfinitatis
relationship by affinity
  • 姻親:    relation by marriage
  • 關系:    relation; filiation; relatio ...
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更多例句:  下一頁
  1. "he is, or was-for he may be dead-a connection by marriage," said her mother deliberately .
  2. She is related to me by marriage
  3. He was not an impartial witness because of his affinity with the accused
  4. He is not an impartial witness because of his affinity with the accused
  5. He was not an impartial witness because of his affinity with the accused


        姻親:    relation by marriage
        關系:    relation; filiation; relatio ...
        姻亲;姻亲关系:    affinity
        奴隶姻亲关系:    adfinitate erviles; adfinitates serviles
        有姻亲关系的:    related by marriage
        姻亲关系,嫡戚关系:    affinity
        姻亲关系的叔叔:    uncle by marriage
        姻亲关系的叔叔,舅舅:    uncle by marriage
        半血亲关系:    relationshiof the half blood
        纯血亲关系:    relationship of the whole-blood
        血亲关系:    blood ties; co anguinitatisius; consanguinitatis ius; ius cognationis; iuscognationis; relationship by consanguinity
        近亲关系证明:    proof of family relationship
        血统关系, 血亲关系:    relationship of the blood
        很近的血亲关系:    close ties of consanguinity
        无血亲关系的代孕:    full surrogacy
        姻亲:    relation by marriage 短語和例子 姻親故舊 marriage connections and old friends; 姻親關系 relationship by marriage; affinity; 夫[妻]系的叔伯輩姻親 his [her] uncle by marriage
        姻亲的:    affined; allied
        扩大姻亲婚:    extended affinal marriage
        旁系姻亲:    collateral relatives by marriage
        姻亲故旧:    marriage connections and old friends
        姻亲换婚制:    marital exchange
        姻亲家庭:    conjugal family
        老年姻亲问题:    problem with aged in-laws
        关系:    1.(相互關系) relation; filiation; relationship; relevance; regard; ratio; tie 短語和例子 外交關系 diplomatic relations; 血緣關系 blood relationship; 關系緊張[疏遠] relations become strained [estranged]; 中斷關系 suspend relations with; 斷絕關系 break off [sever] relations with; 恢復關系 resume relation with2.(有影響或重要性) bearing; impact; significance 短語和例子 關系重大 count for much; 這個問題關系到一個更重要的問題。 this question has a bearing on a much more important one.3.(泛指原因條件) 短語和例子 由于時間關系, 就談到這里吧。 since time is limited, i'll have to stop here.4.(關聯, 牽涉) concern; affect; have a bearing on; have to do with 短語和例子 農業關系國計民生極大。 agriculture is of vital importance to the nation's economy and the people's livelihood.5.(組織關系) credentials showing membership in or connection with an organization 短語和例子 他的組織關系已經帶來了。 he has brought his membership credentials with him. 黨員調動工作時, 要轉黨的關系。 when a party member is transferred to another place of work, his party credentials are sent there.; 關系表達式 relational expression; 關系詞 relative; 關系從句 relative clause; 關系代詞 relative pronoun; 關系代數 relational algebra; algebra of relations; 關系副詞 relative adverb; 關系符號 relational symbol; relation character; 關系概念 [邏輯學] relation concept; 關系后項 [邏輯學] postrior term of relation; 關系量項 relative quantitative term; 關系論 relationism; 關系邏輯 logic of relations; 關系判斷 relation judgment; 關系破裂 fraction; 關系前項 anterior term of relation; 關系人 [法] party; 關系條件 relation condition; 關系推理 relation inference; 關系協調 harmonious relations
        夫系的叔伯辈姻亲:    his uncle by marriage



  1. "姻姐妹"英文
  2. "姻親"英文
  3. "姻親;姻親關系"英文
  4. "姻親的"英文
  5. "姻親故舊"英文
  6. "姻親關系,嫡戚關系"英文
  7. "姻親關系的叔叔"英文
  8. "姻親關系的叔叔,舅舅"英文
  9. "姻親換婚制"英文
  10. "姻親家庭"英文


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