姻親關系: relationship by marriage; af ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...叔叔: father's younger brother; un ...舅舅: mother's brother; uncle姻亲关系的叔叔: uncle by marriage有姻亲关系的: related by marriage姻亲;姻亲关系: affinity姻亲关系: adfinitas; ilus adfinitatis; ilusadfinitatis; relationship by affinity; relationship in law奴隶姻亲关系: adfinitate erviles; adfinitates serviles夫系的叔伯辈姻亲: his uncle by marriage姻亲关系,嫡戚关系: affinity叔叔;舅舅: uncle无血亲关系的代孕: full surrogacy伯伯,叔叔,舅舅: onkel, der; -/-s我的叔叔: my uncle; sense of loss a约翰的叔叔: br / john’s uncle看望我的叔叔: avisit to my uncle我的叔叔,安东尼: my uncle antoine;mon oncle antoine我的叔叔于勒: my uncle jules半血亲关系: relationshiof the half blood纯血亲关系: relationship of the whole-blood血亲关系: blood ties; co anguinitatisius; consanguinitatis ius; ius cognationis; iuscognationis; relationship by consanguinity近亲关系证明: proof of family relationship血统关系, 血亲关系: relationship of the blood我的父亲和我的叔叔: my father and my uncle