鎖: lock瓊: fine jade樓: a storied building满琼楼: the unexpected guest琼楼恨: the haunted house恨锁金瓶: gentle reflection春满琼楼: the unexpected guest琼楼飞燕: the unsinkable molly brown琼楼风月: week-end at the waldorf琼楼金阙: the palace of red jade beside the gates of gold; the imperial palace琼楼魔影: phantom of the jade chamber琼楼玉宇: jade halls -- palaces in the moon; a fabulously rich residence; a magnificent building; a richly decorated jade palace; a splendid [magnificent] building; the marble halls玉宇琼楼: magnificent houses [buildings]; a richly decorated jade palace; the palace in the moon琼楼广告企划报告: rar恨天: tmwm恨水石: water-of-ayr stone&恨天怨地: utter maledictions against the whole world恨事: a matter for regret; a regrettable thing恨入骨髓: hate to the marrow (of one's bones)恨透了: hate to the utmost degree; detest