應該: should; ought to; must呈現: present; appear; emerge的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...樣: appearance; shape爱情的样貌: the look of love恢复原本的样貌: demorph呈现的报表: rendered report你的样貌那样美好(他却不及): your true beauty's description looks so good that it hurts混合物呈现的形状: impurity profiling呈现: (顯露) present (a certain appearance); appear; emerge 短語和例子 呈現新的面貌 take on a new look; assume a new aspect; 呈現出一派欣欣向榮的景象 present a picture of prosperity; 呈現光彩 [光學] schillerization; 呈現綠色 virescence过烧钢酸洗后所呈现的鳄鱼皮: crocodile skin以电影或戏剧方式呈现的一系列广告: cinemads将成千上万的基因表现的样式: gene expression pattern以样貌判断: judge from应该: should; ought to; must 短語和例子 我覺得你一點兒也沒變, 小李不應該不認識你呀! i don't think you have changed at all! xiao li shouldn't have failed to recognize you. 教師對學生應該耐心。 teachers ought to be patient with students. 我本應該首先征得你的同意。 i ought first to have asked your consent. 前一段他很辛苦, 現在休息一星期是應該的。 he has worked very hard recently so he deserves a week's holiday. 我們應該看看有什么能做的。 we must see what can be done呈现,承担: take on呈现,雇用: take on呈现出……: take on呈现法: presentation呈现句: presentative sentence呈现位: presence bit承担,呈现: take on出现,呈现: appear; crou(out); croup(out)雇佣,呈现: take on获得;呈现: take on